Survive winter depression

It’s about that time. Darkness is arriving upon us. At least here in Sweden we are turning back our clock this weekend (last night actually!) which means that the darker days are getting longer. When did winter get here again already?! Where has the year gone?

Besides autumn and winter being the cozy months, hence the “cuffing” season a lot of us can sometimes feel a bit beaten down by the dark and cold. It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve been through it, it still feels a bit meeh when the sun sets at 3 pm in the afternoon…

Get your nutrients

It’s always important to make sure you get all the nutrients you need and when the sun checks out, it’s even more important to get the whole alphabet of nutrients to keep our energy up and running. Between all the cozy “Fika” breaks (a Swedish word for coffee and cake break) in the autumn dark, make sure to get in all your fruit and veggies.

Vitamin D

While snacking on all your fruit and veggies are great, there’s one sneaky nutrient that are harder to get enough of during the winter months, no matter what “diet” your on (vegan, meat eater, flexitarian, you name it), and that’s our beloved vitamin D. The hot girl summer isn’t the only thing that disappears as soon as the sun rotates away from us, but so does the vitamin D. When we lack D vitamin we are more prone to getting tired and feeling anxious and depressed.

Exercise and take a walk on the wild side

Make sure to move your body regularly. If it’s just taking walks to get some fresh air and maybe a glimpse of sunlight during the day. It gives us both energy and lowers our stress levels to be better armed for the dark months ahead. Being outside is also a really great way to avoid the winter sniffles. Get that fresh air of nature circulate through your body instead of all the sick flu viruses that sometimes circulate inside your house. Speaking of avoiding sickness and fresh air, make sure you air out your house regularity. I know that it’s cold, but you need a fresh circulation to feel better and honestly, to make your house not smell like dying human.

Give in to the lazies

Don’t beat yourself up for feeling tired and lazy. It’s okay to go into hibernation mode once in a while when the darkness is creeping in. I mean what’s more cozy than sweaters, candles, and warm chocolate? It’s one of the winter charms! Spend time with people you love, read some nice books, and catch up movies. The best thing to “deal” with sad darkness is to embrace its qualities.

Turn the heat down

I know that it’s a big temptation to turn up the heat when the darkness and cold comes creeping in. But, to keep your home too warm actually makes you more tired, not to mention it’s a killer for your skin. I’m not saying that you should go around and freeze your ass off, but keep it cool and put on a sweater than to create a sauna in your home.